On the 5June, Mrs Wallbridge visited Glen Innes School to speak to us about our teeth. I learnt some new things about teeth that I didn’t know. I learnt that if you have a knocked out tooth you have to quickly find it and place it back to where it fell out. But if you find it hard to put it back into place then quickly go into the kitchen and pour milk into the cup and drop the tooth in. Then you quickly rush to the dentist to help put it back in. I think it helps it stay alive. You do that so that your tooth doesn’t die.
I learnt that you're teeth’s worst enemy is sugar. That was an interesting fact for me because I eat lollies and food that has sugar. Mrs Wallbridge also said that the good foods are vegetables, fish, milk, water and also a lot of other food. I never knew that fish was something good to eat. I thought that was good to know to. I also found this fact very interesting because in New Zealand we have floss. But what Mrs Wallbridge told us was that in South Africa they would use a bag that is made out of thin nylon string to floss. But first they would boil the bag so it is easier to pull the string out. Then use it to floss their teeth.
I learnt that when you get a toothache and it hurts so much you get a gold ice bag and put it outside of where the pain is.You got to do that or you will get a huge bubble from the toothache. It will be full of pus. Once it pops inside your mouth its going down your throat and you will get sick or you can die. Mrs Wallbridge showed us a slide show of the bad things about teeth and what is bad to eat. I saw a lot of yuck photos that was gross. I felt sick already. It made me think that I wouldn’t want to be the person. I want to have healthy and shiny teeth.
Yesterday I told my mother after school all about this information I had learn’t. I think she may had not known what I do. I told her everything that I learn’t. My mum was interested in what I was saying. When I mentioned about the smoking part, she stopped me and asked if I had seen my uncles teeth because he smokes. It is all rotten. My mum said to give some advice to my uncle to stop smoking.
Kia Ora Claudia
I really like you information. When you grow up would you smoke or drink beer? I told my parents to don't buy any more fizzy drink because it effect your teeth.
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