
Friday, 30 August 2013

Queen of the Barn


Queen of the Barn

I have chosen Alan because he's really caring and helpful. How I can prove that he is caring because after school he was walking back home and he saw his own cat Daisy. She got run over by a car. He grabbed Daisy and took her back home to let Ben his brother that his going down to the vet. It took about 30 minutes because he kept stopping to check if Daisy was still alive.

He went to visit Daisy every day on his school breaks on lunch time. Alan is a good money wise person he was saving up for a  radio control plane. Alan only saved up $447 something. But Alan had to pay for Daisy to be fixed up to come home. It was about $500 to pay for Daisy or $600. He was helpful once they moved to this farm. He helped around the farm planting and gardening. He refused to get money from his parents. He got send money from the vet lady and he got to know the vet lady very well. Had a cup of tea with the vet lady which was Mrs Jameson.

That’s why I chose Alan in the story - Queen of the Barn.


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